Saturday, February 25, 2012

Quinn is ONE MONTH and getting so big!

(i am not very blog/website savvy so if someone can be nice enough to tell me how to get pictures to be side by side i'd really appreciate it! ...i'd like to compare each month to her first side by side.)

my sweet little girl,
where have the days gone!? our first month with you has been nothing but wonderful. i never knew there could be so much love and joy in our home. during our first few days home with you there were times when i would look at you or hold you close and cry. i couldn't help myself. i've been so full of gratitude. sometimes they were tears of feeling overwhelmed and feeling so responsible to teach you to be your best. but mostly they are tears of joy. we are both so happy to finally have you in our family. you made us parents! you made me a mommy! and it truly is the BEST thing! i love being your mommy my Quinn.

Quinn at one month:
-loves mommy's boobs and voice
-loves being held tight/swaddled/being in the ergo or moby
-loves to suck for comfort (thank goodness for pacifiers!!)
-likes being outside and warm baths
-looks and coos at activity gym toys
-likes to be cuddly/have soft blankets by her face
-hates getting her boogers suctioned and getting in her carseat
-often fights falling sleep
-got her first cold
-can hold her head up for a good amount of time
-makes cooing sounds
-can follow faces
-smiles a lot


  1. Awww yay Quinn! :] And I LOVE your calendar idea. That is so awesome! Mind if I steal it someday?! :]

  2. haha of course! cause i stole it from pinterest!
