Friday, December 28, 2012

11 months

i think some where in the back of mind something is trying to tell me that if i don't write down what she's like at eleven months then just maybe it won't happen and she'll stay my baby forever! :(  but, of course, without permission my Quinn turned eleven months on Christmas Eve.

Quinn at eleven months...
-i feel like not a lot has changed in the last month but at the same time she seems smarter and smarter every day.  like how she can now put things 'in' a box or basket instead of just throwing things out of it.
-weighs just over 16 pounds.
-can stand for longer periods of time and does it more often.
-i think you're starting to become a picky eater :(  you used to like peas and carrots and now you spit them out and pretty much just live on green beans for your veggie. i'm looking forward to when you get the idea of drinking from a straw so i can pack a smoothies with spinach for you!
-you got so sick with roseola.  the. worst. week!
-oh and you got a new tooth the same week you were sick... like i said, not a good week for you.
-you now have three teeth on bottom and four on top.
-your new favorite toys are the stroller and baby doll you got for Christmas from G&G Schimpf and the elephant shape sorter you got from G&G Milne.  i love watching you play!  you're getting so smart about the littlest things.  i can't just see your wheels turning in that little brain of yours.
-officially not a fan of taking the monthly calendar pictures. these, not so good five, are from two days of trying!  not sure if you're just cold or what, but you are NOT a fan!

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