Monday, November 30, 2009

couples survey...

i can't fall asleep when brian's at work so here we go!

What are your middle names? Randall and i don't have one

How long have you been together? 1 year and 3 1/2 months. married 3.5 months.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? it was a blind date and it started there. so no time at all!

Who asked who out? we were set up

Whose siblings do you see the most? his cause they are closer

Do you have any children together? not yet. and not for a while.

What about pets? no thank you! they are smelly and messy!

Did you go to the same school? nope

Who is the most sensitive? hello i'm a girl. me!

Where do you eat out most as a couple? we change it up...mexican, submarina, pizza, panera, olive garden...ect.

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled as a couple? Mexico!

Who has the worst temper? good question...we both don't get super mad very easily.

Who does the cooking? i did more when he wasn't working nights but we usually both pitch in.

Who is more social? depends on the environment. i think i need more socializing than he does but he is definitely good at making strangers comfortable..his job makes him good at that.

Who is the neat freak? is that even a question. ME!

Who is the most stubborn? i'd say brian

Who hogs the bed? he says me, but when he is in the middle and i'm on the edge i think that means he is the hog. usually we share.

Who wakes up earlier? brian.

Where was your first date? tio leo's and mini golf.

Who has the bigger family? i thought i had a big family but i think its brain.

Do you get flowers often? nope. once when we were first married.

Who eats more? brian for sure!

Who sings better? brian.

Who does the laundry? we do it together at his parents. but i actually fold it.

Who is better with the computer? i'd say about the same.

Who drives when you are together? usually brian sometimes me but he always opens my door

Who picks where you go to dinner? we agree or whoever didn't pick last time gets to choose...i'm usually up for whatever.

Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong? me

Who wears the pants in the relationship? i think it's pretty equal

Who eats more sweets? oh goodness me. i was just thinking about how i wish i didn't like sugar.

Who cries more? me

What's your best day together? wedding day!

Where did you honeymoon? On a cruise to Mexico!

Favorite date night? i think dinner and a movie are what happens most often. or grocery shopping.

Favorite TV show to watch together? criminal minds.

Couple I imagine us growing old like? one of our grandparents

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